Residential | Light Commercial | Industrial
Power outages are increasing nationwide. Stay plugged in With back-up power.
At Pristine Energy Solutions we take pleasure and pride in serving homes and families with peace of mind, safety and comfort of a whole house generator. A permanently installed Generac home backup generator protects your home automatically. It runs on natural gas or liquid propane (LP) fuel, and sits outside just like a central air conditioning unit. A home backup generator delivers power directly to your home’s electrical system, backing up your entire home or just the most essential items. Now coming with FREE Mobile Link™, allowing you to monitor the status of your generator on a phone, tablet or computer from anywhere in the world.
Our vision at Pristine Energy solutions is to fulfill the highest level of customer satisfaction. Generac’s Protector Series provides customers with a value solution to meet and exceed basic standby needs. The Emergency Power Supply Systems for high end residential and businesses like Hospital complexes, nursing homes, government buildings, schools, college campuses and the hospitality industry must be in the absolute top working condition possible. So you can confidently rely on back-up power when you need it most.
At Pristine Energy Solutions with the support of experts on our team, we can explore your needs and guide you on selecting the right product with proper specification and installation that serves your needs. Whether you need to power a 24/7 factory, a temperature-controlled storage facility or another industrial setting. Once a proper solution is reached, we continue to collaborate together to ensure your requirements are fulfilled, from project inception through delivery, installation, activation and ongoing maintenance.